Műfaj: Documentary film
Év: [entre1914y1918]
Játékidő: 00:00:41
Leírás: Fragment of newsreel or reportage about World War I with the label "Une réserve d'obusiers". The film content is just a pan from left to right which shows a long guns battery. The guns are aligned in front of woodland and they stand on wooden structures (independents but aligned like a railway). Behind the guns there are several tents and the background is plenty of big trees. In the second part of the shot, two soldiers are making maintenance tasks on some of them. At the end of the film there is a 'Fin' title with a monogram with the letters G. E.
Kulcsszavak: EFG1914 / World War I / World War, 1914-1918 / war / army / armaments / artillery / project EFG1914 / Primera-guerra-mundial / Guerra / Ejército / Armamento / Artillería
Szolgáltató: IVAC
Jogok: In Copyright / IVAC
Szín: Black & White
Sound: Without sound
A dokument típusa:
Language: fr